Interior photo of London's Grey Wolfe wellness centre

Grey Wolfe: Inside London’s latest next-gen wellness centre

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Feeling burnt out? Here’s all you need to know about Grey Wolfe, southwest London’s latest luxury wellness centre, which boasts out-of-the-ordinary biohacking treatments and high-tech equipment

I’m not as involved in the wellness space as I’d like to be. For me the height of self-care is occasionally popping a slice of lemon into some hot water instead of having my usual morning coffee. Besides, maintaining a social life, career and tidy home can be a full-time job, usually leaving little time to switch off.

Entrepreneur and self-proclaimed ‘energetic spirit’ Sarah Jones St John knows first-hand just how time-consuming self-care can be. That’s why she’s dedicated her career to helping people take a break from the outside world with her chain of wellness retreats.

Located in southwest London, on Barnes’s upmarket White Hart Lane, Grey Wolfe is one such space, offering sanctuary to busy parents, high-flying execs and time-poor Millennials like me since late-2021.

“Everyone is our client as everyone needs to work on themselves,” says Sarah. “We want to create a safe space to be able to heal, not just the body, but the mind and soul, too. We don’t think of ourselves as a spa, but more as a community space where guests can explore what they need.”

Sarah describes The Grey Wolfe Method as a “360-degree solution that uses a balance of holistic mindfulness, human touch and technology to take you on a complete journey”. Essentially, it’s a four-part session designed to align and reawaken the senses through the power of touch, paired with best-in-class equipment and facilities.

Read more: Five soothing, eco-friendly retreats across the UK

Woman's back and hands massaging her

The Grey Wolfe Method

It’s important to remember that this is not a spa, says Sarah. Granted, the marble decor and ambient music might make it feel like one, but the treatment itself is unlike anything I’ve seen in other spas.

The Grey Wolfe Method starts with something called the ‘Rebalance Impulse’, a practice designed to promote Alpha and Beta waves to help amplify the benefits of the treatment. A device that resembles a VR headset is strapped to my head, while I lie down on a spinal compression bed for around 15 minutes.

This, I’m told, measures my wellness output and allows for my therapist to talk me through the areas I need to improve on which, according to the intuitive yet slightly unnerving machine measuring my brain waves, include sleep quality and anxiety.

The next step is the attuned massage. I’m asked which essential oil I would prefer: I go for lavender, which is best for relaxation, and eucalyptus, which can have a reenergising effect (or so I’m told).

As I’m lying on the heated massage bed, the decompressing benefits from the last step come into effect and I wonder why more spas don’t offer this. Taking 10 minutes to unwind prior to treatment makes all the difference, and it amplifies my relaxation once the treatment is over.

Next up is the infrared sauna, which is said to relieve sore muscles, improve circulation and promote better sleep. It’s at this point, as I sweat out my toxins in the 29C heat, that I really start to feel relaxed.

Finally, it’s biocharger time. This fancy piece of tech is designed to ‘restore your energy frequencies’.

“Biohacking treatments are a holistic approach to cellular health,” says Sarah. “The human body is composed of trillions of cells, which perform functions that keep our bodies working properly.

“Biohacking could provide several benefits — these may include improved energy, enhanced immune function and reduced inflammation.”

Read more: Review: Spend a relaxing weekend at South Lodge Hotel & Spa

Interior photo of London's Grey Wolfe wellness centre

The verdict

A must-try. The treatments at Grey Wolfe allow for a complete overhaul in just a few hours — brilliant for those with busy lives.

The Grey Wolfe Method costs £199 for a 215-minute treatment. Visit to find out more.

Grey Wolfe, 71 White Hart Lane, London, SW13 0PP. Closest station: Barnes Bridge

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