
Privacy Policy

APL Media, the publisher behind Living 360, takes the privacy and security of your data very seriously. It is important that you take the time to read this Privacy Notice, as it describes the data we collect and explains how we use the information that you may provide us during the use of this Website.

Privacy Notice Published September 2021, Reviewed Yearly

This Privacy Notice forms part of the understanding between you and APL Media which governs your relationship with APL Media. This includes your use of the Living 360 Website and any surveys, competitions, promotions or other products and services from APL Media or a subsidiary within the APL Media Group, by means of the Living 360 Website.

This Notice explains how your personal data will be processed by APL Media and its data processors, and how you can manage the personal data held about you by APL Media. We will seek your explicit consent before you enter a competition, fill out a survey, or engage with a promotional activity on the Living 360 Website.



This Notice outlines the following:

  • The kinds of personal data which may be collected from you by APL Media;
  • Who processes that personal data and for which purposes;
  • How your personal data may be used for fraud prevention;
  • When transfers of your personal data may occur;
  • The measures taken to safeguard your personal data;
  • How APL Media may communicate with you and how you may unsubscribe from those communications;
  • How APL Media uses Cookies on the Living 360 Website; and
  • Details of APL Media’s Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Please read this Notice carefully and ensure that you understand how APL Media will deal with your personal data. Get in touch with us directly should there be any question about the content of this Notice.


Core Principles

APL Media is the Data Controller for any of your personal data that you supply to us in the course of your use of the Living 360 Website, including any competitions, promotions or surveys that you may enter.

Where it is a data controller, APL Media abides by the Data Protection Principles in all of its dealings with your personal data. In particular:

  • Lawfulness, fairness and transparency. APL Media will only process your personal data lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner in relation to you.
  • Purpose limitation. Your personal data will only be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes.
  • Data minimisation. Your personal data will be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed.
  • Your personal data will be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date.
  • Storage limitation. Your personal data will be kept in a form which permits identification for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data are processed.
  • Integrity and confidentiality. Your personal data will be processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measures such as encryption and multi-factor identity verification.


APL Media’s 3rd Party Partners

APL Media may engage Third Party service providers to process data (including personal data) on its behalf. These third parties carry out processing of your personal data on APL Media’s behalf, and includes those who provide services to us that are necessary for the proper functioning of this Website, such as 3rd-party modules for functionality such as surveys, promotions and competitions, and who provide digital infrastructure in the form of servers, databases and other necessary means to ensure the proper functioning of the Website and APL Media’s ability to properly administer the data it controls.


We use a platform called Workbooks for the analysis of the information we collect during your use of this Website. Workbooks are compliant with the ISO 27001 certification:


We use a platform called Gleam for the competitions and prize draws that we conduct on the Website. See for details of how they process your personal data.


We implement the Facebook Pixel when you visit the site from clicking on a Facebook advert. For fuller information on how this works, please visit:

We also link registered users of the Living 360 Website to Facebook so that your advertising experience on Facebook is tailored to your interests. For fuller information on how this works, please visit:

We also use Facebook’s Lead Gen ad format to attract new subscribers to Living 360. For fuller information on how this works, please visit:


APL Media uses Google Analytics to measure website traffic and to help us identify audiences for promotional activities including the delivery of online adverts. For information on how this works, please see:


The personal data we collect

The personal data about you that APL Media collects depends on how you use the Living 360 Website and other APL Media services. Data which we collect will include:

  • Your contact details, including your name, email address and telephone number
  • Any other information you supply to us, for example in applications for a competition, promotion or survey.

We also collect data in the form of Cookies that allow for the proper functioning of the Living 360 Website, which include:

  • Technical information such as your IP address, browser, and operating system.
  • Information about your visit (such as the session duration, the pages on the Living 360 Website that you access, the page referrer, and other analytical data).


The Purposes for which we Process your Personal Data

We collect and process your personal data for the following purposes:

  • To enable your access to the APL Media Website and facilitate its operation
  • To properly administer any services that you request
  • To detect and prevent fraud or improper use of the Website
  • To analyse and optimise our services;
  • To verify your identity;
  • To communicate with you where relevant;
  • To troubleshoot and improve the Living 360 Website and associated systems and infrastructure;


How we Protect your Personal Data

We will hold and process personal data in accordance with the UK Data Protection Act 2018, the European General Data Protection Regulation (EU 2016/679) and any other applicable data protection legislation.

For further details or other enquiries please contact the Data Protection Officer for the APL Media Group in writing or email:


How we Communicate with You

If you have opted in, APL Media may contact you by email, telephone or using other contact details supplied by you in order to inform you of services or products that we believe are relevant to you.

You may unsubscribe at any stage by:

E-mailing us at with your name and address, or clicking on the ‘Unsubscribe’ link that we provide in every marketing communication that we send.

Telephoning between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday on +44 (020) 7253 9909; or

Writing to: Unit 310, Highgate Studios, 53-79 Highgate Rd, London NW5 1TL.

Please include your full name and address.

APL Media may also contact you to follow up an enquiry that you have made about our products or services.


Access to your personal data

You have a right to know what personal data we hold about you. Please send Data Subject Access Requests to our Data Protection Officer via

The data you request may be redacted or withheld where it is appropriate to do so, including to protect the rights of third parties.

If a request is received to remove your account on the Living 360 Website, or otherwise to end our service relationship with you, your personal data may be retained for a reasonable period so as to satisfy APL Media’s auditors and statutory record keeping requirements. However, in that event your personal data will be stored in accordance with all appropriate technical and organisational measures against loss or destruction of personal data.

Your personal data is protected by legal rights, which may include your right to:

  • Object to our processing of your personal data;
  • Request that your personal data be erased, amended or corrected;
  • Request access to your personal data.

You have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) which regulates the processing of personal data. For more information please visit:



A Cookie is a text file containing anonymous information that is stored on your computer or mobile device by a web server when you visit a Website. Each Cookie is unique to your web browser. It allows a Website to remember things like your preferences or details of items that you are going to purchase online.

Cookies may be used to record details of pages relating to particular products and services that you have visited on this Website. This is to provide us with generic usage statistics to allow us to improve our Website’s utility, user experience, user interface, and to analyse the relevance and appeal of the content we provide via the Living 360 Website.

Web browsers are initially set up to accept Cookies. If you prefer, you can set your web browser to disable Cookies or to inform you when a Website is attempting to add a Cookie. You can also delete Cookies that have previously been added to your computer´s Cookie file. If you prevent us from placing strictly necessary Cookies on your computer during your visit or you delete a strictly necessary Cookie that has been set previously, it may not be possible for you to use our Website effectively.

When you first visit this Website, you will be prompted to choose whether or not to give your consent to the use of optional Cookies (namely functional, analytics and marketing Cookies). If you give such consent, we will set these Cookies in order to allow us to provide the services and webpages you request, to improve your use of our Website, and to analyse and improve our online services. You may withdraw that consent at any time by clicking here.

If you do not give such consent, we will not set these optional Cookies, but we will still need to set Cookies which are strictly necessary for your use of our Website.

The Cookies we may use are categorised as follows:

  • Strictly necessary – Cookies needed to enable users to access the Living 360 Website or use particular functionality (e.g. as a logged in user) during the session or persistently.
  • Optional functional – Cookies that enable functionality allowing the Website or app to remember choices made by users in the past.
  • Analytics – Cookies that record statistics about which pages are visited by a user and activities performed on the Website or app in order to optimise it.
  • Marketing – Cookies used for marketing, market research, product development or other sampling with a view to developing or marketing commercial products and services.


List of Cookies used by APL Media

 Preference Cookies

These cookies remember your preferences for tools and functionality on the site so that you don’t have to re-set them each time you visit the site. Examples include:

Cookie Settings – remembers that you have accepted the cookie policy in the past so that you do not have to accept each time

Volume – remembers your volume preferences for videos on our site

Analytics Cookies

Analytics cookies collect anonymised information about your use of the site and the pages you visit, allowing us to see which pages are most popular, as well as general demographics and interest information about visitors to the site. All information gathered is anonymised and aggregated. Staff can’t see the pages which pages individuals have visited, only the number of people that have visited each page, the average time spent and the average number of pages users visit. These cookies assign you with a unique identifier that isn’t connected to any personal information on our systems and cannot be connected by our staff.

This site uses Google Analytics to track your use of the site. More information about the cookies Google Analytics place on your computer can be found here:

Advertising Cookies

We may use advertising cookies to deliver ads that we believe may be of interest to you, to measure and improve the performance of advertising campaigns and to avoid showing you the same ad multiple times. This site uses Google DFP to deliver advertising. More information about the cookies Google DFP places on your device and how to opt out can be found here:

We may also place third party advertiser cookies on this site to track when a paid promotion has been viewed or when a link on a paid promotional link is clicked.

Competitions and prize draws

This website uses a third-party service called Gleam to provide competition entry forms. When you enter a competition or prize draw on our site, this service may place cookies on your browser. This is used to track when users have entered previous competitions and prize draws using Gleam, including on other websites outside More information about Gleam’s use of cookies can be found here:


How do I turn Cookies off?

In addition to ‘opting-in’ and ‘opting-out’ all modern browsers allow you to change your Cookie settings. These settings will typically be found in the “Settings” or “Preferences” menu of your browser.

We do not recommend turning Cookies off when visiting Living 360 as this may prevent you from using many of the services on the site.


Changes to this Privacy Notice

APL Media reserves the right to change this Privacy Notice at any time to reflect changes to the Living 360 Website or other ways in which APL Media collects and processes your personal data from time to time.

Where a change to the Notice is made, APL Media will endeavour to notify registered users of the Living 360 Website by email and to publish an updated copy of this Notice on the Website a reasonable time in advance of the updated Notice coming into force.

©2021 APL Media