
Simple longevity hacks to help you live longer revealed by experts

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Health hackers reveal the easy and innovative lifestyle swaps you can make to help you live better for longer.

In the UK, we’re constantly seeking fast solutions to our problems. And in 2024 — with our advancements in technology, medicine and communication — speedy solutions are not only highly sought-after but fairly achievable.

Our busy daily lives can often leave us feeling over-inflated, left with little time for self-care — or even just a spare minute to sit down and take a breath. People are living life at full speed, seeking speedy health and beauty solutions that consume as little time as possible, from anti-ageing injectables within skincare to controversial weight-loss drugs like Ozempic.

A man in white sits opposite a female doctor in a modern white clinic room
Longevity isn’t about quick fixes

So, it’s no wonder that Londoners are similarly turning to quick fixes like expensive supplements to achieve longevity — causing tech giants to pour billions of pounds into the industry to develop drugs that claim to improve how we age. Specialist clinics are also opening across the city to enable the elite to fast-track their health through treatments, drips and so on — all for a hefty price tag, of course.

But the terms ‘quick fix’ and ‘longevity’ are mutually exclusive by nature, because the reality is that authentic wellbeing requires a consistent, tailored approach. And anyway, high-end clinics are unaffordable to the average city-dweller, so, how are we meant to prioritise our longevity without breaking the bank?

Simple hacks for longevity

According to Jiaming Ju, a Chinese medicine practitioner and founder of Kun Health, there’s no reason to invest in expensive treatments and supplements. Instead, she believes that longevity relies on simple lifestyle habits that can be seamlessly implemented into your daily schedule.

“Firstly, you can optimise your body’s functionality by doing a brisk, 40- to 60-minute walk, jog or bike ride in nature daily,” she explains. “Longevity relies on mobility and one’s ability to move freely, both physically and mentally. There’s no better way to achieve this than through consistent walks outdoors because it exercises the muscles and mind without straining.”

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A woman from the waist down walking with a bike through a city
Walking and cycling can help you live longer

Secondly, Jiaming suggests protecting your digestive health by not eating four hours before you sleep. This is because digestion plays a crucial role in regulating sleep — and, according to her, most of us aren’t eating well to begin with.

“In Chinese medicine and East Asian culture, you should eat the biggest meal at breakfast, a decent-sized meal for lunch and very little for dinner. This ensures the metabolism works at its best and therefore empowers the body’s natural ability to nourish through a solid sleep at night.”

And speaking of nutrition, the holistic experts at Baldo and Mason emphasise the importance of diet when it comes to long-term wellbeing.

The best diet for longevity

“An anti-inflammatory diet can be a powerful tool to help slow down the ageing process, says Caroline Mason, nutritional therapist and food coach. “Foods that are rich in antioxidants and other compounds can counteract inflammation, and by incorporating these foods regularly, the risk of chronic diseases can be reduced.”

“Focus on including plenty of fruits and vegetables,” adds fellow co-founder Roberta Baldo, noting that eating a rainbow of colours in your plant consumption will help to stabilise free radicals, neutralising and preventing against damage from oxidative stress, positively impacting the ageing of the skin.

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Fruits and vegetables chopped up and laid out across a wooden table
A mixed diet with fruit and vegetables is essential for longevity

It goes without saying that we should be limiting our consumption of processed foods and sugary drinks, all of which can promote inflammation. Instead, the nutritionists recommend introducing whole grains and healthy fats — like those contained in wild fatty fish, nuts, seeds, avocados and extra virgin olive oil — into our diets.

As we age, our bodies become less sensitive to insulin, the hormone that helps cells absorb glucose from the bloodstream, which can lead to high blood sugar levels and cellular damage. To help guard against this, both nutritionists suggest eating foods that slowly release energy, such as brown rice, quinoa, oats, wholemeal bread, seeds, nuts, beans, lentils, berries and lean protein. This will cause a slower rise in blood sugar levels compared to other foods that break down quickly during digestion.

And if you tend to reach for pain-relief medication before bed, try having a glass of coconut water instead. “This will balance your electrolytes and potassium and rehydrate the body quickly, helping to ease out nausea and headaches,” says Caroline.

 How to sleep like a baby

Kathryn Danzey, founder of Rejuvenated, points to poor sleep as being one of the main contributors to short telomeres. Telomeres work as a protective cap at the end of every strand of our DNA, and each time a cell divides, the telomeres get shorter and eventually become too short. At this point, the cell dies or becomes pro-inflammatory, leading to ageing and the potential for diseases associated with ageing.

A woman's face peeks out from white duvet covers in bed
Poor sleep can contribute to ageing and the diseases associated with ageing

“Create a sleep plan with a focus on consistency,” says Kathryn. “Try to go to bed at the same time each evening and rise at the same time each morning, so you’re following your natural circadian rhythm and giving your body time for cellular repair.”

Similarly, Jiaming encourages people to set aside an hour every day to practise Wu Wei, the Taoist philosophy of doing nothing productive.

“Modern life demands swift responses from our minds. In Chinese medicine, we say the mind is linked to the overstrain and energy slump. When our mind is on hyperdrive, it results in restlessness. So, emptying your mind for an hour once a day is transformative for one’s mental health.”

Wu Wei activities include birdwatching, watching non-challenging TV shows, reading fiction, dancing on your own, singing karaoke and so on. “When someone is exposed to ongoing stress, the telomeres will appear to be those of an older person,” adds Kathryn. “However, embracing an ancient practice such as mindfulness can reduce the stress and allow for the telomeres to regain length.”

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A woman sits on the floor in front of a book shelf reading
Reading can help with stress and mental health

 More simple ways to practice longevity

“Eat your three meals at a fixed time as much as possible,” says Jiaming. She also recommends eating away from social media. “Eating is sacred, so ensuring you eat without distractions will minimise bloating and therefore optimise your body for digestive health.”

Meanwhile, Kathryn points to the Blue Zone lifestyle, saying that this way of living should not be restricted to specific regions.

If you watched Dan Buettner’s Netflix docuseries, Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones, you’d have seen residents of the Blue Zones (areas with the highest life expectancy) regularly engaging in physical movement outdoors, socialising with friends and family daily and even having a small glass of wine with dinner to destress.

“Reflect on what really matters to you and have a purpose to increase happiness and live longer,” says Kathryn. “Take some time to think about what you’re good at, it might be gardening, bee keeping, volunteering or being there for your loved ones. Invest in these relationships, spend time together, especially at mealtimes.”

So, while our chronological age is immovable, our biological age isn’t.

Our quality of life is inevitably in our own hands, which, although this can seem frightening at times, is liberating. If your goal is to increase your lifespan, it’s worth making simple changes to your daily choices before spending obscene amounts on treatments and supplements, most of which can’t undo the damage caused by a life lived unconsciously.

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